
We specialize in clothing 25 years or older. We sell mens and womens clothing . Lula's vintage clothing operates as a seasonable fashion boutique. So in the spring you will find spring vintage clothing in stock. In the autumn, our store has clothing appropriate for fall. Every season demands different clothing needs and we attempt our best to cover all of your style bases. Our items are cleaned and ready to wear. The store constantly is in flux to satisfy the whims of the Lula customer who generally loves fashion, vintage and being on trend. We also sell items on ETSY under the name LULAVINTAGEMN. Items at our ETSY shop are ONLINE only. High quality similar items are constantly added to the store. Please come shopping at the LULA’s storefront and have the full experience at being at our store that is very full of very wonderful items.

We are located in a shopping area called Selby at Snelling in St Paul where we have many great neighbors. Patina, Common Coast, Flirt Lingerie, Martha’s Flowers, Brow Chic, Sweatshop Fitness, Rose’s Bakery, EGG PLANT garden supplies, Teeny Bee Baby, Spoils of Wear Sustainable Clothing, Tennis On Selby, Play It Again Sports, Cadenza Music Shop and much more. There are great places to eat like The Naughty Greek, The Neighborhood Cafe, Za’ atar’s, St Augustines to name just a few. Please bring your friends and take in our entire neighborhood.

If you'd like to learn more about our store - please contact us through our Contact Page.